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Checkout why compose UI better than standard XML

March 30, 2023
5 mins
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This article will teach the benefits of Jetpack Compose over standard XML

By Subhash — “Android Monk”

Jetpack Compose

Jetpack compose is a modern way of UI development toolkit recommended and preferred by Google. It accelerates the development of UI with less code, and less time and provides powerful APIs. It has many alternative and advanced concepts compared to native XML. It provides a way for enhanced coding and design.

1. Say HELLO to mutableStateOf


In standard ways of declaring, we usually have sharedFlow, state flow, or LiveData, to collect the recently emitted states to update the UI views. But in compose we have a special state called “mutableStateOf” where it can simply emit the latest state to all of its active listening collectors in a life cycle-aware manner.

Collecting flows

In standard ways, we have to write code in a lifecycle-aware manner. But in compose, we have a fantastic API “collectasStatewithLifecycle()”, which helps to avoid those boilerplate codes.

sealed class Data {
object one : Data()
object two : Data()
object zero : Data()
private var _state = MutableStateFlow<Data>(
var state = _state.asStateFlow()
// one can also use shared flow for one shot events. eg. toast
private var _shared = MutableSharedFlow<Data>()
var shared = _shared.asSharedFlow()
private fun emittor() {
fun CollectingFlows() {
// Below line for collecting stateflows
val flows by state.collectAsStateWithLifecycle()
// Below line collecting sharedflows requires initial state
val sharedflow by state.collectAsStateWithLifeCycle(
// Here colleting only the stateflow
when(flows) {
is -> {
// our logic
is Data.two -> {}
is -> {}

2. Say BYE to Recycler view

As, we all know in existing XMLs to update a view we will require an adapter, and data binding and it requires a lot of boilerplate codes such as getting the view type and assigning it to a view holder. But here we have an exciting API called “Lazy Column for Vertical orientation “, “Lazy row for Horizontal Orientation “ and “Lazy Grids for Grid views and Tags”. Here we are having arrangement and alignment keys in making the UIs relative to screen width in adjusting the dimensions.

fun RecyclerView() {
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
) {
item {
// Below components executes one time
items(5) {
// repeatively creates the below the components
// for the mentioned count


fun RecyclerLazyRow() {
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
) {
item {
// Below components executes one time
items(5) {
// repeatively creates the below the components
// for the mentioned count


3. Equivalent XML Attributes

Most of the XML attributes come in a simple compose component called “Modifier”. Modifier provides more advanced API attributes for UI creation in the simplest way. Compose provides reusability of UI components and methods.

4. Clap Hands for the “remember ” keyword

“remember ”, as the name suggests that it remembers the states of a UI and prevents the unnecessary recomposition of UI components. Whenever a method gets recomposed or recalled, the “remember” keyword helps to avoid the recomposition of particular segments of codes and reduces the redundancy.

fun SimpleCounter() {
var count by remember {

modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
) {
Text(text = count.toString(), fontSize = 14.sp)
Button(onClick = { count++ }) {
Text(text = "Increase")

5. SideEffects in Compose

Compose has a specialized API for handling recomposition. They are


Executes, when composition enters and cancels when it cancels after leaving the composition. Cancels/ relaunches when the key changes.


Once, the side effects get executed, it needs to be cleaned up from the memory. The DisposableEffect can take complete control of it.

fun SideEffects() {
LaunchedEffect(key1 = Unit, block = {
// make network calls
DisposableEffect(key1 = Unit, effect = {
onDispose {
//logic for cleaning an un used variables

6. Say WELCOME to BottomSheet and Animations

In the native XML way, we have a bottom sheet as a separate fragment whereas in Compose we have a separate API for bottom sheets and all we have to do is, simply call the method and pass the bottom sheet state to it.
We have a separate API “Animated Visibility ”for providing animations to the UI components such as enter/ exit transitions, most of them use “animateAsState ”, which accepts float or Int as a param.

Below Example demonstrates the replacement of BottomSheetDialogFragment

fun BottomSheetExample() {
val SheetState = rememberModalBottomSheetState(
initialValue = ModalBottomSheetValue.Hidden
ModalBottomSheetLayout(sheetState = SheetState, sheetContent = {
// composables inside the sheet
}) {
// composables outside the sheet

7. XML vs Compose vs Interoperability

XML vs Compose Interoperability

In conclusion, the introduction of compose doesn’t mean that the XML is deprecated. Maybe after a few years, Google suggests that compose will be the preferred way of creating easy and reusable UI components. This can minimize a lot of boilerplate codes and improves startup time, application size, and build time.



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Reviewed By

Android Fiend


Seema Jain

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