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Is there any way to develop and test the reusable packages at the same time without re-installing…

December 23, 2022
3 mins
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Vinoth S

Yes, One of the NPM commands will perform that trick. -Npm Link

By Vinoth S — “An Enthusiast Coder thrives for learning”

Problem statement

As a developer, I used to think of a way to test the reusable component in my main application before publishing the changes to the remote server.

By default, I will complete the coding for project library “B” and push it to the remote server and then I will use project “B” in the dependencies of Project “A”.

And then the npm install helps here..Finally !! Here comes the real-time testing phase

Are we need such a long process? The wait is over by using the “npm Link” command.


  1. npm link– Used to create a symlink for your reusable resources and the same can be mapped with your main project as well.

2. npm unlink– Once you’re done with real-time testing, then you can break the symlink by using the npm unlink command.


  • Realtime testing can be done at the time of development itself. Hence the separate time for testing can be reduced.
  • Since we have established symlink, No need to re-installing packages after every change in the reusable library.


For example, I have 20+ microservices in the global project where we have repeated code related to HTTP calls, Messaging queues implementation, caching, database / elastic search/ AWS connection, etc in each microservices.

To optimize this, we will create a “reusable-lib”, move the set of repeated codes to a separate repository and publish it as a separate module. Let’s create one shared library named “reusable-lib” which contains the different basic functionalities required for our main application and the same can be used across different microservices in our project.

Real time Example:

Now let’s start with real-time implementation where we have one main project named “core-app” and one shared project “reusable-lib”.

After creating the npm link for “reusable lib”, now we can use the same in other projects.

Now the symlink has been established between “reusable-lib” and “core-app”.

Develop and test the reusable packages at the same time

We can create a new file “index.js” in the “reusable-lib” and without using the npm install command in “core-app”, the same will be available within the “node_modules” folder of our “core-app”.

Now the index.js file within the “reusable-lib” and “core-app” will have a symlink and the changes will reflect in real-time.

Once we have done with our real-time testing, then it’s time to remove the symlink from “reusable-lib” using the npm unlink command. Then, “reusable-lib” will be no longer accessed in real-time from other projects.

Hope this information helps !! It will reduce some of our developer’s time in the testing phase.

Thank you for reading the article!! I appreciate your feedback :)

Meet The Team!


Vinoth S

Edited By

Seema Jain

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