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March 23, 2023
8 mins
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Sayonica Roy

This article will help you to understand automation testing tool to develop web applications.

By Sayonica Roy — “Empowering Quality Assurance through Comprehensive Testing Insights

Test Cafe

TestCafe is an open-source web automation testing tool that allows developers and QA professionals to write automated tests for web applications. It is designed to be easy to use and to provide a robust testing framework that can be used for testing web applications on multiple browsers and platforms.

One of the key benefits of TestCafe is that it runs tests outside of the browser, making it easy to run tests on multiple browsers and platforms without requiring any additional setup. This means that tests can be run simultaneously on different browsers, making testing faster and more efficient.

TestCafe also provides a simple and easy-to-use API for writing tests in JavaScript or TypeScript. The API is designed to be intuitive and easy to understand, even for those who are new to automated testing.

In addition, TestCafe integrates well with popular tools and frameworks, including Continuous Integration (CI) tools like Jenkins and TeamCity. This makes it easy to automate the testing process and incorporate testing into the development workflow.

Overall, TestCafe is a powerful and effective web automation testing tool that can help businesses and organizations improve the quality of their web applications and reduce the time and effort required for manual testing.

Comparison to other Testing Tools

Cypress: Like TestCafe, Cypress is an open-source web automation testing tool that supports JavaScript and TypeScript. One key difference between the two is that Cypress runs tests within the browser, whereas TestCafe runs tests outside of the browser. This can make TestCafe better suited for projects that require cross-browser and cross-platform testing.

Selenium: Selenium is a widely used web automation testing tool that supports multiple programming languages, including Java, C#, and Python. Unlike TestCafe, Selenium requires additional setup to run tests on multiple browsers and platforms. However, Selenium has a large community of developers and a wealth of resources available for learning and troubleshooting.

QAWolf: QAWolf is a newer web automation testing tool that uses machine learning to generate tests automatically. Unlike TestCafe, QAWolf is designed to automate repetitive testing tasks and can generate tests without requiring much programming knowledge. However, QAWolf may not be as flexible as TestCafe for more complex testing scenarios.

Overall, each of these web automation testing tools has its strengths and weaknesses. Depending on the specific needs and requirements of a project, one tool may be a better fit than others. However, for projects that require cross-browser and cross-platform testing and ease of use, TestCafe is a strong option to consider.

TestCafe Key Features

Cross-browser and Cross-platform Testing: TestCafe allows developers and QA professionals to run tests on multiple browsers and platforms without requiring any additional setup, thanks to its “outside the browser” approach. This can save time and effort compared to traditional web automation testing tools.

Easy-to-use API: TestCafe API is intuitive and easy to understand, even for those who are new to automated testing. It supports JavaScript and TypeScript, and can be easily integrated with popular tools and frameworks.

Robust Test Runner: TestCafe test runner is highly configurable and provides detailed test reports, making it easy to identify and troubleshoot issues.

Real-time Testing and Debugging: TestCafe allows developers and QA professionals to test and debug code in real time, which can help to speed up the testing process and improve the accuracy of tests.

Continuous Integration Support: TestCafe integrates well with popular continuous integration (CI) tools like Jenkins and TeamCity, making it easy to automate the testing process and incorporate testing into the development workflow.

Overall, these features make TestCafe a powerful and effective testing tool that can help businesses and organizations improve the quality of their web applications and reduce the time and effort required for manual testing.

Case Studies and Success Stories Group: The Group is one of the largest internet companies in Russia. They used TestCafe to automate the testing of their web applications, which helped them to reduce testing time and improve the accuracy of their tests. They found that TestCafe was easy to set up and use and that it provided detailed reports that helped them to identify and troubleshoot issues quickly.

The Nectar Sleep: Nectar Sleep is an online mattress retailer. They used TestCafe to automate the testing of their web application, which helped them to identify and fix bugs more quickly. They found that TestCafe was easy to integrate with their existing development workflow and that it provided accurate and reliable test results.

Motion Array: Motion Array is a video and audio stock media platform. They used TestCafe to automate the testing of their web application, which helped them to reduce testing time and improve the quality of their code. They found that TestCafe was easy to use and that it provided detailed test reports that helped them to identify and fix issues quickly.

Getting started with TestCafe

1.Install Node.js and npm: Before you can use TestCafe, you’ll need to have Node.js and npm installed on your computer. You can download and install these from the Node.js website.

2. Install TestCafe: Once you have Node.js and npm installed, you can install TestCafe by running the following command in your terminal:

System-wide Installation:

Run the following command to install the testcafe package system-wide:

System Wide Installation

Local Installation:

Local Installation

–save-dev will save the packages in your devDependencies

Create a new TestCafe project: Next, you’ll need to create a new TestCafe project. You can do this by creating a new directory and running the following command in your terminal:

Write your first test: Now that you have a TestCafe project set up, you can write your first test. To write a test for opening CaratLane Website using JavaScript, you’ll need to create a new test file (e.g. test.js) and write the following code:

Test Cafe

In this example, we’re testing the CaratLane website that is opening on Chrome Browser.

Run your test:

To run your test, you can use the following command in your terminal:

This will run your test in Google Chrome. You can replace chrome with the name of another browser if you prefer to use a different browser for testing.

Let’s take another example:

In this example, we are testing the title of the CaratLane website. We use Selector from TestCafe to select the title element, and then use TestCafe expect function to assert that the text of the title element is equal to ‘CaratLane A Tanishq Partnership | Best Store for Online Jewellery Shopping’.

Future developments and community support

TestCafe has a strong community of developers who contribute to the open-source project and help drive its development forward. The latest version of TestCafe (as of February 2023) is 1.16.0, which was released in January 2022. Here are some of the latest updates to TestCafe:

Support for TypeScript 4.4: TestCafe now supports TypeScript 4.4, which provides better type inference and support for const assertions.

Improved Debugging Experience: TestCafe now provides a more streamlined debugging experience with better error messages and easier access to browser dev tools.

Enhanced Browser Support: TestCafe now supports the latest versions of major browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

Performance Improvements: TestCafe has made significant performance improvements, particularly in the area of test execution time.

In terms of its roadmap, TestCafe has a number of features and improvements planned for future releases, including:

Better Mobile Testing Support: TestCafe plans to improve its mobile testing capabilities, with support for mobile-specific features like touch events and device emulation.

Integration with popular testing frameworks: TestCafe plans to improve its integration with popular testing frameworks like Jest and Mocha.

Improved reporting and analytics: TestCafe plans to provide better reporting and analytics capabilities, with more detailed information about test results and performance metrics.

More robust API testing support: TestCafe plans to provide more robust support for API testing, with improved handling of HTTP requests and responses.

TestCafe has an active community of developers who contribute to the project and provide support to other users. The project is open-source and available on GitHub, where users can submit bug reports, feature requests, and code contributions. TestCafe also provides extensive documentation and a forum where users can ask questions and share best practices.

Meet the team!!


Sayonica Roy


Seema Jain

We at CaratLane are solving some of the most intriguing challenges to make our mark in the relatively uncharted omnichannel jewellery industry. If you are interested in tackling such obstacles, feel free to drop your updated resume/CV to!
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