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What Is Cache? Learn This Common and Complex Technology

April 27, 2023
5 mins
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Sagar Gupta

This article shows the process of how caching works and is implemented

By Sagar Gupta— “A proficient pupil

In today’s digital age, website performance has become increasingly important for businesses and organizations. Slow-loading pages can result in frustrated users, decreased engagement, and even lost revenue. To combat this, web developers and administrators have turned to various techniques to improve website performance. One such good technique is Caching.

What Is Cache?

Cache, Caching

Caching is the process of storing frequently accessed data in a cache so that it can be quickly retrieved the next time it is requested. Caching can be done at various levels, such as browser caching, server-side caching, and database caching. By caching data, requests can be served faster, reducing the time it takes for a web page to load.

Cache often includes two elements:

  • The caching software itself runs the process and shuttles it between various other elements.
  • Random Access Memory (RAM) and “ In-Memory ” engines. They store the data passed by the caching technology.

These elements have to be high-quality and collaborative. Slow-performing RAM won’t be able to recall the data quickly enough for the software to use it efficiently.

A cache is almost necessary for most web applications, given the large page file sizes. A solid implementation can give you precious seconds back in some cases. A user who remarks that a site loads fast gives an indirect compliment to the caching software at the heart of the website’s server.

How Caching Works

When a program or application requests data from a storage device like a hard drive or database, the system checks if the data is already available in the cache. If it is, the system retrieves the data from the cache instead of the primary data source, resulting in faster access times and reduced system load.

If the data is not available in the cache, the system retrieves it from the primary data source and stores a copy of the data in the cache for future use.

The Benefits of Caching: How Do Caches Work in a Browser?

When a user visits a new website, their browser needs to download data to load and display the content on the page. To speed up this process for a user’s future visit, browsers cache the content on the page and save a copy of it on the device’s hard drive.

As a result, the next time the user goes to that website, the content is already stored on their device and the page will load faster.

Cache memory offers extremely low latency, which means it can be accessed quickly. As a result, it speeds up loading the second time a user accesses an application or website. However, a cache cannot store a lot of memory, so it only stores small files like images and web text.

Data can be cached in many ways, but it is typically reliant on the website’s owner to set a “ header ” which tells a device that data can be cached and for how long. This instructs a user’s browser what information to download and where to store the temporary files.

The user can then create policies and preferences around what data they cache and even clear their whole cache to reduce the amount of data stored on their device.

Caching, Uses of Caching

Implementing Caching

Implementing caching on a website can significantly improve its performance and reduce server load. Some general steps for implementing caching on a website are:-

Step 1: Identify the content to be cached

The first step in implementing caching on a website is to identify the content that needs to be cached. This can include static content like images, CSS files, and JavaScript files, as well as dynamic content like database queries and API responses.

Step 2: Choose a caching mechanism

Once you have identified the content to be cached, you need to choose a caching mechanism. There are several options available for caching on a website, including:

  • Browser caching: Web browsers can cache static content like images, CSS files, and JavaScript files, reducing the need to download these files on subsequent page loads.
  • Server caching: Web servers can cache dynamic content like database queries and API responses, reducing the load on the server and improving page load times.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN) caching: CDNs can cache static content like images, CSS files, and JavaScript files, reducing the load on the web server and improving page load times for users around the world.

Step 3: Configure caching headers

Once you have chosen a caching mechanism, you need to configure caching headers to control how long the content is cached. This can be done using HTTP headers like Cache-Control and Expires.

For example,
To enable browser caching for static content, you can add the following code to your .htaccess file:

Step 4: Test and optimize caching

Once you have configured caching, testing it thoroughly and optimizing it for performance is important. This may involve measuring page load times, analyzing cache hit rates, and adjusting the caching headers to balance the need for fresh content with the performance benefits of caching.

Step 5: Monitor and maintain caching

Finally, monitoring and maintaining caching is important to ensure that it continues to function properly and provide the expected performance benefits. This may involve periodically purging stale content from the cache and adjusting caching headers as needed.

Meet the team!


Sagar Gupta


Ramyaraghavan R

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